Montana: (406) 219-7650
Colorado: (303) 532-3000
Insurance Explained

Insurance Details Made Uncomplicated

Insurance can get complicated. We’ll help you simplify. Explore our articles to learn to more.

Why Snowmobile Insurance Actually Matters

Odds are good that when you think about snowmobile insurance, you only really think about damage to, or loss of, YOUR snowmobile.  If you have a pretty crappy snowmobile that you ride a few times per year, you may be willing to risk the relatively small chance of having it

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Lone Tree Insurance… Who’s That?

Have you heard the news? After 12 wonderful years of working with BMR Insurance, Dave Harriman started Lone Tree Insurance! Fear not… you don’t need to do anything. BMR and Lone Tree are working together to move all of Dave’s existing clients over to Lone Tree Insurance. What does this

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Are Pinhole Leaks Covered?

Are Pinhole Leaks Covered By Home Insurance? Pinhole leaks are absolutely, definitely, MAYBE covered. Will an insurance company cover the cost of re-plumbing your house so the pinhole leaks stop? No. Replumbing costs are your responsibility. Will your rates go up if you file a water claim? Almost definitely. What

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Home Insurance Deductibles

What Home Insurance Deductible Makes Sense? The answer will depend almost entirely on the cost of your home insurance policy.  Here is the very simple way I look at it and what I tell clients to consider when they’re deciding whether to go the high deductible or low deductible on

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Why is auto insurance so expensive?

Whether you’re in Whitefish, Montana, Lone Tree, Colorado, or Tustin, California, the answer to this question’s going to be the same.   Transcript: Hey there I’m Dave Harriman home and auto insurance broker extraordinaire! Alright I am going to address a question I’m asked all the time, which is: why

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Why is your home insured for less than it’s worth?

Transcript: Good morning I’m David Harriman home and auto insurance broker extraordinaire! A fabulous question I am asked very often is, “How on Earth is my house only insured for $400,000 but I just paid $700,000 for it?” The answer’s easy. Your home insurance company doesn’t care what the value

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What’s an Umbrella Policy, and do You Need One?

  Transcript: Why hello there! I’m David Harriman, home and auto insurance broker extraordinaire. One thing I’m asked very often is, “what the heck is an umbrella policy and do I need one.” Okay, what is it? An umbrella policy is an extension of liability coverage – personal liability coverage

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37 Days of Donations to the American Cancer Society

$25 Donation for Every New Quote 06/30 through 08/06 Dave Harriman and BMR Insurance will be donating $25 to the American Cancer Society for every new insurance quote Dave runs from 06/30/2019 through 08/06/2019, regardless of whether or not the quote results in a sale/purchase of a policy.  Schedule a

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The Number One Mistake Drivers Make on Coverage

Stop Prioritizing Financial Inconvenience.  Prioritize Financial Ruin. The most common mistake consumers make when buying auto insurance is focusing on insuring against potential financial inconvenience, rather than insuring against potential financial ruin. It’s an easy

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Are Pinhole Leaks Covered?

Are Pinhole Leaks Covered By Home Insurance? Pinhole leaks are absolutely, definitely, MAYBE covered. Will an insurance company cover the cost of re-plumbing your house so the pinhole leaks stop? No. Replumbing costs are your

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Home Insurance Deductibles

What Home Insurance Deductible Makes Sense? The answer will depend almost entirely on the cost of your home insurance policy.  Here is the very simple way I look at it and what I tell clients

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Why is auto insurance so expensive?

Whether you’re in Whitefish, Montana, Lone Tree, Colorado, or Tustin, California, the answer to this question’s going to be the same.   Transcript: Hey there I’m Dave Harriman home and auto insurance broker extraordinaire! Alright

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